Practical Information

Date: 6th to 16th of July 2023

Location: Sejny (Poland)

Sejny is a small town with a rich cultural heritage located close to today's Polish-Lithuania boarder in the region called Suwalszczyzna, filled with lakes, forests and rivers.

Travel information: 

You are of course welcome to arrive to the house by your own means. When it comes to organized transportation we suggest the following:

  • Arrive in Warsaw (Poland) and then take a (3h) train to Augustów, from where you will be picked up on the 5th of July (40 min drive to the house).
  • Come to Vilnius Airport (Lithuania) from where you can be picked up on the 5th of July (~2,5h to the house).

The departure will be organized similarly on the 16th of July. Please note that even though being part of the EU, Poland uses its own currency (PLN). However, card payments are very common.


Meals will be provided, as well as coffee, snacks, etc. For all meals, a vegetarian option is available. We want to make sure everyone feels comfortable, so please let us know of your needs in the application form. Meals will be prepared by the host, although some voluntary help in the kitchen will be welcomed. We try to support the local economy by choosing ingredients produced in the area, preferably from small befriended farms nearby.

Fees: €350

The price has been set at €350 which includes food, accommodation, an (optional) trip on our day off, and transportation from Vilnius or Augustów (both ways), and should be paid in advance. For those not supported by their institution, funding is available for the conference fee and for travel expenses, please ask in the application form if you need support.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email us at:




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